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Facebook Icon Logo

Facebook Icon Logo Logo Icon Download svg

Facebook Icon Logo Logo vector,Facebook Icon Logo icon Download as SVG ,transparent, png , psd , pdf Ai ,vector free.

The Facebook logo is a white or blue “f” on a blue box, and is one of the most recognized logos in the world today.

The company behind the logo is Facebook, a tech giant that connects people around the world through its social networking service. Founded by Mark Zuckerberg and his Harvard roommates in 2004, the platform was originally designed as a better way to mark fellow Harvard students— hence the famous “f” logo.

The letter “f” itself stands for Facebook, and the logo was designed to represent the company and its mission: to give people the power to share and make the world more open and connected. The clean, minimalist design of the logo is symbolic of the platform’s commitment to making social media accessible to everyone.

The blue box contained within the logo speaks to Facebook‘s roots as an online Harvard directory. The logo is simple yet bold that speaks heavily to the company’s mission of providing more connectedness in the world.

Over the years, the Facebook logo has become an instantly recognizable symbol of a global online community— making it a powerful tool for branding and marketing for companies and businesses around the world. Today, it is one of the most widely used logos on the internet, signifying an ever-growing connectedness between people across the globe.

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